10 Video Game Deaths You Knew Were Coming (That Still Broke You)

7. Johnny Wyles - To The Moon

Red Dead Redemption 2
Ken Gao

In the world of To The Moon, a company named Sigmund Corp. utilise a special technology that can create artificial memories.

The latest patient of Dr. Rosalene and Dr. Watts is the widowed Johnny Wyles, whose desire is to go to the moon. Before slipping into a coma, he hired the pair to help him remember why he had this desire in the first place.

With Johnny on his death bed, there is a race against time to bring him the peace he seeks.

As Rosalene and Watts go delving into Johnny's mind they cannot discover his original reasoning for wishing to go to the moon due to large gaps in his memories from childhood.

It turns out that Johnny had a twin brother named Joey who had died in an accident and his mother placed him on beta-blockers to help deal with the tragedy. The drugs worked, inducing memory loss.

This, however, caused him to forget his initial meeting with his wife, River. As children, the two star-gazed together, agreeing to meet in that very spot the following year. Johnny promised that, should he forget, they would regroup on the moon.

Johnny's last 'memory' before he passes away is of him and River entering a rocket, ready to fly to the moon.

Truly beautiful.


Lover of all things zombie. Secretly wishing for the apocalypse, but only on easy difficulty. Top of the world leaderboards for a couple of songs on Pro Drums on Rock Band 4. Can name every world flag. Currently doing my MA in Creative Writing in an attempt to do something with my life.