10 Video Game Debuffs That Secretly Make You Stronger

9. Trauma Savant - RimWorld

skyrim vampire
Ludeon Games

Getting shot in the head in RimWorld is about as fun as it is in real life. If the bullet isn't going to kill your colonist immediately, it's going to give them permanent brain damage that severely limits their dexterity and communication skills.

And yet, despite all of this, you're probably going to want some of your colonists to sustain some permanent brain damage, because in RimWorld there is actually a rare and hidden benefit to losing bits of your head.

Although the chances of it are quite slim, there is an event in the game that triggers when a colonist is shot in the head. Instead of killing or maiming them, the bullet scrambles their brains in such a peculiar way that it gives them the Trauma Savant trait!

The trait makes your character incapable of speech, but their dexterity, movement, and intelligence are greatly increased, turning them into ideal soldiers, craftsmen, and researchers.

So if your colonist is in quite a pinch during a gun fight, don't lose your head! Chances are, they might get stronger if they lose theirs instead!


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.