10 Video Game Decisions That Ruined Your Entire Playthrough

5. Harvesting TWO Little Sisters - BioShock

Final Fantasy X2
2K Games

Throughout BioShock, you're given two choices for dealing with any of the Little Sisters you come across - you can harvest them for the precious substance ADAM they create, in turn allowing you to obtain Plasmids and new abilities faster, albeit at the cost of their lives.

Or, you can rescue them and set them free - clearly the more humane and ethical of the two choices given that the Little Sisters have suffered enough already, being enslaved orphaned girls and all.

While the game will let you get away with harvesting one Little Sister scot-free, if you harvest two or more, you'll end up locking yourself out of the game's happiest ending, where Jack takes the Little Sisters back to the surface and adopts a bunch of them. D'aww.

Instead, you'll get a miserable ending where Jack harvests the Little Sisters for their ADAM, and the more of them you harvested throughout the game, the more bitterly disappointed Tenenbaum's closing narration will be.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.