10 Video Game Decisions That Ruined Your Entire Playthrough

2. Skipping Dialogue - Final Fantasy X-2

Final Fantasy X2
Square Enix

In the case of Final Fantasy X-2, Square Enix seemingly designed the game to be as obnoxiously infuriating for completionists as possible, given the utterly maddening requirements for hitting 100%.

In addition to having to see everything the main story has to offer, you're also unable to skip certain dialogues - namely those you have with the infuriatingly verbose historian of Spira, Maechen.

Given that Maechen rambles on and on and on at snooze-inducing length, you'll likely be tempted to skim through his word-vomit or even just skip it entirely, but in a brutal act of trolling on Square Enix's part, doing so will lock you out of 100% on this runthrough of the game.

Basically, unless you're content with using a guide to make sure you don't miss anything, you probably shouldn't even bother with a completionist run, unless your sanity has no value to you. Your time is - or at least should be - worth more than this.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.