10 Video Game Developers Who Killed The Franchise They Were Handed

3. 343 Industries - Halo

Halo 5 Guardians
343 Industries

Possibly the biggest and most tragic of all entries on this list. 343 Industries' handling of Halo has been nothing short of disastrous, and tear-jerkingly tragic, once you remember what Halo used to be.

That theme, those online maps, that weapon set and those enemy designs. Bungie got so much so right with their work on the main trilogy and Halo: Reach, it ended up leaving Master Chief's story in a place of finality; one where he drifted off into an eternal slumber.

If you were going to wake him up, the reason had better be damn worth it.

Whether fleshing out the Chief's backstory into that of a lab experiment tied to the consciousness of Cortana was a good thing or not is up to each player, but going up against the forgettable Prometheans was, well, forgettable.

Halo 5 and the broken Master Chief Collection tanked this already torpedo'ing momentum straight into the ground, with the former having even IGN label the misleading ad campaigns as bald-faced lies.

Cut to the end of 2017 and 343 have vowed to finally finish development on the MCC... some four years after the initial launch.

It'll be about time.

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