10 Video Game Difficulty Modes For The Criminally Insane

5. Fire Emblem Awakening - Lunatic Plus Mode

Fire Emblem Awakening 02

The Fire Emblem series loves to punish players. If you’ve grown fond of a certain unit then you might as well say goodbye to them as the games will put them in the ground in a heartbeat.

It’s all built around a very clever mechanic; the game teaches you to love, then it abuses that love to make you pull units to protect your favourites thus exposing your weakness. It’s clever, and advice I’ve taken through to the dating scene.

Lunatic mode is challenging enough, totally changing the AI of the enemy so that it purposefully hunts down weaker units even if it’s not strategically the best thing to do. This rush mentality means you’re never really prepared for battles, and Lunatic Plus ups the challenge even further, so much so that people have labelled it broken.

In this mode, enemies get two new abilities at random, which could be as frustrating as being able to attack you instantly or even just passing through your units to get to your weaker ones. This randomisation means that some battles are literally impossible, forcing resets until combinations arise that can actually be beaten.

So yeah, this won’t just drive you mad through challenge, but also in having to restart the game over and over! Fun!

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