10 Video Game DLC Stories Better Than The Main Game
More like Deliciously Luscious Content, am I right?

Video game DLC has long been a controversial topic in the video game industry. There have been many instances where, after paying the full retail price for a new game at launch, a post-game content drop features a bonus mission that is described as the 'true ending' for an additional cost. We have also seen old content re-released with slightly updated graphics, and others that are simply not worth the additional expenditure.
Done well, however, and players get content that breathes new life into video games, allowing avid consumers hours of extra fun immersing themselves in their favourite titles and franchises. Sometimes, we even get content that improves on many aspects of the original game. Maybe it's providing a deeper backstory for your favourite character, maybe it's showing the story from a different aspect that changes your perceptions of events, or maybe it's a what-happened-next that just managed to be more interesting.
When it comes to crafting DLC, developers and writers have the beautiful virtue of hindsight; they can see what the players liked and disliked and can take these opinions and suggestions on board to craft DLC that's exactly what the player wanted.
10. Batman: Arkham Origins - Cold, Cold Heart

Acting as the third instalment of the Batman: Arkham franchise, Arkham Origins is in fact the lowest rated of the entire series by Metacritic and user scores, and with it lacking genuine character exploration and depth, you can see why.
We all already know that the Joker is a psychopath, that police captain James Gordon will come to trust Batman, and that Batman will never kill his foes. In this sense, the game is simply going through the same motions we have seen before.
What the Cold, Cold Heart DLC adds to this title, however, is this much-needed depth. Victor Fries, or Mr. Freeze, is a compelling character that acts not out of hate, but out of love. Yes, many of his deeds are misguided and, to be fair, evil, but it is all as a result of the betrayal he suffered while trying to cure his dying wife. Nora, who suffers from Huntington's Chorea, a degenerative disease, has been placed in cryostasis in order to provide the time needed to curate a medicine.
Batman is forced consider his own conscience and moral compass in order to combat this deadly foe, which is far more compelling than simply swinging his fists at the latest villain that is a villain just because. Consider this the rectifying of Arnie's portrayal in the role.