10 Video Game DLCs That Are Secretly Sequels

5. Minerva's Den - BioShock 2 (2010)

Outer Wilds

Helmed by a different development team this time around and putting players in the hulking diving suit of one of Rapture’s Big Daddy’s, BioShock 2 was a notable departure from its iconic predecessor.

While this sequel did bring some interesting ideas to the table when it came to the protagonist’s relationship with the ADAM-harvesting Little Sisters alongside adding some fun tweaks to the combat, this game was nevertheless a step backwards from what the first game achieved three years earlier.

However, BioShock fans would get the sequel they deserved when Minerva’s Den released in 2011.

Playing as another Big Daddy, this time named Subject Sigma, players once again returned to the underwater dystopia where they’re tasked to retrieve a powerful supercomputer known as The Thinker by its creator.

Although this DLC was small in scale, it succeeded in weaving a profound and deeply personal tale surrounding the computer’s creator and their desire to use it to recreate the personality of his dead wife.

Throw in a bombshell reveal that rivals BioShock’s famous “Would you kindly" twist, and Minerva’s Den becomes a far better BioShock sequel than the base game ever was.

It’s no wonder that this DLC is often cited as being one of the greatest expansions ever made.

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Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.