10 Video Game Easter Eggs Nobody Understands

5. The Giant Pig - The Evil Within

Halo Infinite Sandwich

The Evil Within games don't leave players wanting for weirdness, but there's no making sense of this utterly deranged - and potentially delicious - Easter egg.

In the first game's fourth chapter, "The Patient," players who burn every hanging corpse in the hospice yard will be greeted by the most peculiar sight - a gigantic pig.

Now, we're not talking a huge pig that could plausibly exist, but a cartoonishly large bovine creature that's taller than the damn player.

If you decide to kill it you'll receive a hefty load of Green Gel, though honestly, this giant oinker is such an unexpected curiosity it'd basically be sacrilege to do so.

The sequel offered up its own variation on this Easter egg, where you could encounter a giant crow by stealth-killing three enemies in the game's third chapter, "Resonances."

As much as the series is all about the grotesque and the uncanny, these giant animals are something else altogether.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.