10 Video Game Easter Eggs That Change Everything

2. Aliens Actually Exist - GTA V

Grand Theft Auto V Alien
Rockstar Games

If the existence of a living statue in GTA IV wasn't bad enough, GTA V takes things one step further by flat-out confirming the actual presence of aliens in the GTA world.

Though GTA V does feature a number of hallucinogenic drug trip sequences where the player can battle "aliens," there's an additional Easter egg which categorically places extraterrestrials within the game world in a totally tactile and sober way.

During the game's opening prologue sequence set in North Yankton, if you ignore the directions to cross the railroad and instead venture under a bridge, you'll be able to discover an alien frozen in the nearby river.

Aliens are referenced and spoken about numerous times throughout the GTA franchise, but this Easter egg unambiguously confirms that the creatures do indeed exist in the GTA world.

Though alien missions have since been featured in GTA Online, the multiplayer mode's dubious-at-best canonicity means the frozen alien is the one truly persuasive piece of proof that extraterrestrials are among the residents of Los Santos.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.