10 Video Game Easter Eggs That Will Blow Your Mind

1. Nicole Is Dead


Dead Space is one hell of a game. In a time where Silent Hill and Alone In The Dead are pretty much six feet under and a time where Resident Evil is more Die Hard than Alien, Viseral games' Dead Space was a breath of fresh air. Well, gory, scare filled air. In case you don't know, Issac Clarke, a former engineer, spends his time running around a now abandoned-of-life mining ship called the USG Ishimura. He battles waves of Necromorphs, monsters created from corpses and an alien virus. There a load of religious stuff to do with Unitology and a Marker but that's not important. What is important, however, is Issac's loving girlfriend Nicole, who was stationed on the Ishimura before the monsters began their attack. As Issac makes his way through the ship, he begins to see her, but can never reach her. By the end of the game, it's revealed that Nicole committed suicide via lethal injection before he even arrived and that Issac has slowly been going insane. Mind blown. Well, yeah! But where is the Easter egg? After you finish the game, head back into the chapter select menu and what do you see? That's right. The first letter of each of the 12 chapters in Dead Space spells NICOLE IS DEAD. Mind blown, melted, dripping out of my ear onto my controller. Have we missed any great, mind blowing Easter eggs? Leave a comment below.
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Easter Eggs
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From an early age, Dan Hobbs became downright obsessed with nerd culture. On his desk he has Tetris cufflinks, a broken Wii remote and a Mankind action figure. He still enjoys throwing his contrarian opinion at you, whether you like it or not.