10 Video Game Embarrassments You Won't Believe

6. Bigots Created A Pronoun-Removal Mod For Starfield (Which Got Removed)

The Lord of the Rings Gollum

Bethesda's divisive sci-fi epic Starfield quite rightly includes options in its character creation suite for players to choose their own pronouns, but of course, this caused every bigoted crybaby on the Internet to hitch a fit about it.

Not content to simply moan about people having an array of options to express themselves, one suspect modder devoted their spare time to creating a mod which removed pronoun selection from the game altogether.

This unsurprisingly frustrated many players who turned to modding site Nexus Mods, where the offending mod was hosted, to take action.

And that they did, promptly removing the mod from their site, while offering an accompanying statement stating that the "removal of diversity, while appealing to many, does not promote a positive modding community." Well put.

Needless to say, being thin-skinned enough to install a mod that removes pronoun options you don't need to touch is... a hill to die on alright.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.