10 Video Game Embarrassments You Won't Believe

3. Diablo IV's First Battle Pass Didn't Include Enough Currency To Buy Anything

The Lord of the Rings Gollum

Though Diablo IV launched to largely positive reviews from critics, the player response has been decidedly more polarising, criticising the unbalanced gameplay, unsatisfying endgame experience, overly intrusive presence of microtransactions, and the meagre offerings of its Battle Pass.

The latter was a particular sticking point for those who'd bought in, given that the $10 Season 1 Battle Pass didn't even include enough currency to actually buy anything from the in-game store.

The Pass included 666 Platinum - see what they did there? - yet with the cheapest cosmetic item for sale costing 800 Platinum, players were left a little short.

Naturally the revelation caused mass outrage among the fanbase, who felt that Blizzard were employing predatory practises to try and persuade players to buy more Platinum with real-world money.

Given that last year's mobile release Diablo Immortal was raked over the coals for its grotesque microtransaction implementation, though, it shouldn't be terribly surprising that this nonsense made it into the series' next big AAA title.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.