10 Video Game Endings That Totally Trolled Players

8. Borderlands - That's What In The Vault?!

Metal Gear Solid Phantom Pain 14
2K Games

As fans of the anarchic and meme-tastic Borderlands series will know, the series revolves around the concept of Vaults - mysterious and almost mythical treasure troves that warriors dubbed Vault Hunters (the games’ playable classes) are out to get their hands on.

In the first game, it would almost be impossible to count how many times NPCs, mission objectives and such mention the final Vault. While many of Pandora’s residents will dismiss its existence, dubbing it a myth, the player is simply vaguely assured that it’s real and pushed toward it throughout the course of the game’s campaign.

After much looting and shooting, the Vault Hunter locates their prize. What do they discover on opening the Vault, after the constant hype and all that excitement? Well, nothing, because… they don’t actually open it. They can’t.

The prize for all of this grinding? Tremendous disappointment, that’s what. All they got for their trouble was a tedious bullet sponge of a final boss and precious little in the way of loot.

For a series renowned for its zany, creative enemies, weapons and bosses, this was a real slap in the face. Borderlands’ ending with the failed ‘key’ was such a disappointment that the team referenced its shortcomings in the sequel’s DLC.

In this expansion, the mission log explains that those who take part in the tournament that the DLC revolves around have “…a shot at opening a vault full of loot (and we promise, it’s ACTUALLY full of loot this time).”


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