10 Video Game Endings That Were Saved By Fans
We have fans to thank for uncovering these scrapped endings.

Though it can suck when a movie ending is disappointing, it's a whole other kit and kaboodle when a game does it.
When you've spent potentially dozens or even hundreds of hours playing a game, for the ending to fall totally flat and miss the mark entirely is deflating on a whole other level.
While the journey is usually more important than the destination, it can still sting something fierce when developers fumble the ending big time.
But thanks to video games being complicated feats of technology with untold numbers of moving parts, it's possible for dedicated fans to rescue endings which the developers were all-too-keen to discard.
While not all of these games had disastrous endings, they all left fascinating alternate or extended endings on the cutting room floor, only for them to be reconstituted thanks to dedicated dataminers, modders, and even video editors.
The fact that fans were able to save these endings from the digital abyss is a testament to how passionate they can be.
Furthermore, it can't help but make you wonder about all those scrapped endings that simply haven't been discovered yet, laying dormant in the game code...
10. Price Dies (Probably) - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2011)

Given the immense popularity of the Call of Duty franchise, it's honestly shocking that some hidden, discarded content would be uncovered well over a decade after a game's release.
But that's what recently happened with 2011's Modern Warfare 3, as modders yoyo1love and Vlad Loktionov posted a cut post-credits scene revealing Captain Price's original intended fate.
The official release ends with Price killing Makarov and then defiantly lighting a cigar while watching Makarov's hanging corpse swinging around in the wind, but the post-credits scene returns to show what happened next.
As Price looks at Makarov, a shadowy figure appears in the background and surveys the scene for a few moments before walking off.
Price then slumps over and the cigar he's smoking drops to the floor, before we cut to a picture of Price's fallen Operation Kingfish squad.
While it's not quite definitive, this ending certainly suggests that Price dies or is in the very least in extremely grim condition, yet because it ultimately isn't an official part of the game, it's really just an interesting "what if?" glimpse at Activision's original plans.
All the same, for this ending to be found and preserved so long after the game's release is hugely surprising.