10 Video Game Endings That Were Saved By Fans

2. The Avoidable Sacrifice - Fallout 3

the witcher 3 yennefer

Fallout 3's original ending pissed off a lot of fans, as it made players pick a character to enter an irradiated control room and activate a water purification system, effectively laying down their life for the greater good.

Short of doing nothing and just letting the facility explode, you've got two choices - sacrifice yourself or the Brotherhood of Steel's Sarah Lyons. 

This dramatic Choice feels especially forced because your other companions all have gossamer-thin excuses for not doing it themselves.

Worst of all is mutant Fawkes, who despite being able to withstand radiation without harm, claims that he doesn't want to interfere with your "destiny", whatever the hell that means.

Fans loudly called the clumsy lack of logic out immediately following Fallout 3's release, and kicked up enough of a fuss that Bethesda effectively "fixed" the ending with the Broken Steel DLC released about six months later.

This revised ending allowed Fawkes or any other radiation-immune companion to enter the control room instead, in turn allowing basic common sense to prevail.

While there's much debate to be had about fans basically bullying developers into reshaping their creative vision post-launch, in the case of Fallout 3 they were most certainly right to demand an ending that wasn't howlingly patronising.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.