10 Video Game Endings With Disturbing Implications You Totally Missed
4. You're The Boss... Of Nothing - Streets Of Rage
Normally you’d not look at a beat em up like Streets of Rage and immediately think "deep narrative", or hell, any narrative at all, but this classic title did manage to contain 2 endings - one of which is nice and the other, well, it’s rather bleak.
The first ending comes from you beating the crap out of the big boss and then celebrating together, watching the sun set on this bizarre city that was content to let 3 people do most of the work while a sole cop car shot rockets out at intervals. Pretty boring.
Well that’s where the second ending comes in.
If you and your friend decide to part ways, attempt to kill one another and then have the survivor beat up the boss, you’ll get the “bad” ending, which involves your character sitting on the throne as the new boss.
Excellent, right?! Well maybe not, seeing as you’ve killed your partner, left a tonne of destruction in your wake that’s sure to act as a paper trail, and that gang you’re in charge of now? There’s not many left of them, all thanks to you.