10 Video Game Endings With Disturbing Implications You Totally Missed

6. Streets Of Rage - The King Is Dead, Long Live The King?

Streets Of Rage Ending

Streets of Rage had two endings - the first was achievable in single player, and involved nothing more than completing the game, beating seven bells out of everyone and overcoming the big boss. This was proclaimed the Good Ending. The second ending was only unlockable while playing two player.

When you encountered the boss at the end, he gave you and your fellow player the opportunity to join him. If one player says yes, and the other no, the boss then fiendishly turns the players against each other, charging them with fighting to the death so that his new cohort may prove his allegiance.

Former friend brushed aside, the turncoat player is then able to fight the big boss (having turned down his final offer) and take over his evil empire, laughing maniacally as the credits roll from atop his new throne. The motif "BAD END" might appear at this stage, but it is preceded by the wonderfully ego-stroking mantra "You Became the Boss! You are Great!" Finally, some recognition.

But wait...

How long exactly would a new boss last at the head of an empire that he had just decimated almost single-handedly with violence? There can be only two likely outcomes: first off the ranks are so depleted that the former hero is left to defend his entire empire on his own, and will inevitably be overcome in double-quick time, making his efforts and betrayal entirely pointless.

Or alternatively, the remaining foot-soldiers (mostly ginger, for some reason) would rise up and pull their new boss off his lofty perch and kill him for the crazed and misguided despot that he is. Either way, not much of a legacy to enjoy.

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Heavy Rain
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