10 Video Game Enemies That Were Totally Out Of Place

9. T-Rex - Tomb Raider

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The original Tomb Raider was marketed on the strength of its ambitious platforming, exploration, and action, as well as the appeal of protagonist Lara Croft. The presence of dinosaurs? Not so much.

Given that the original game is largely concerned with traversal and intermittent engagements with wild animals, it was a major WTF moment when, in the game's third level, The Lost Valley, Lara encounters a ravenous T-Rex.

Beyond being totally out of step with the enemies audiences were primed to expect from the game's advertising - that is, ones that haven't been extinct for 65 million years - the T-Rex also rushes unsuspecting players who stumble upon its habitat, likely scaring the Bajesus out of them in the process.

This is ultimately just the tip of the iceberg for a game which throws giant mutated abominations at Lara by game's end, but even so, it told players to expect the unexpected from early on.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.