10 Video Game Enemies We Hate More Than The Final Boss

1. Cazadors - Fallout New Vegas

Cazadore Thumb

At the beginning of New Vegas, assuming you actually take the time to talk to the people of Goodsprings, you are told on no uncertain terms that taking the short, straightforward way to New Vegas is a terrible idea. And say hello to the reason why.

The Cazador is the true hardest enemy in New Vegas - wasps the size of your torso that move fast, hit hard, and leave a devastating poison that is almost guaranteed to kill you if the constant stinging doesn't get you first. Hard enough to deal with on their own, but unfortunately these nightmare beasts travel in packs. 

Your only saving grace is that they're incredibly territorial and tend to stick to mountainous areas. So if you've run afoul of them - chances are you were wandering around someplace you shouldn't have been in the first place. A lesson that will be swiftly and brutally imparted onto you by every spheksophobic's (that means a fear of wasps) worst nightmare. 

No boss in New Vegas inspires as much instinctual terror and raw hatred as the Cazador does. 

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?