10 Video Game Enemies We Hate More Than The Final Boss

3. Tin Man - Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia

Cazadore Thumb

The Igarashi Castlevania games prided themselves on their challenge. Starting with Symphony of the Night, with its brutal difficulty spike in its second half, the handheld Castlevania games that followed did their level best to make you work for it. And hoo boy is that ethos embodied thoroughly with Order of Ecclesia's Tin Man.

Ranking higher on the hate-o-meter than Order of Ecclesia's Dracula fight is quite the accomplishment, as that fight is easily one of the hardest and cheapest in the entire franchise. But at least you only have to fight Dracula once, and there's only one of him. Neither luxury is afforded to you with the Tin Man.

This late-game enemy hits hard and VERY fast, easily catching up with you whenever you try to get even the smallest shred of distance. They're made of metal, so most blade weapons will do nothing to them, and they're constantly spinning an axe at your face that takes entire chunks off of your health. 

Oh, and if you do manage to get its health down, it starts shooting a machine gun at you. 

But at the very top of the list of why this enemy is so infuriating is that Dracula's castle has entire rooms filled with these things. No escape, and no mercy, that's the Order of Ecclesia way.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?