10 Video Game Enemy Designs You Can’t Unsee

9. Obscura - Evil Within 2

The last of us clickers

Playing through the Evil Within and its sequel, there are a lot of strong contenders for "monster that traumatised you the most". Between the spider-like Laura and regular Heresy enemies, or just the straight-up surreal and fantastically designed figures like The Watcher and The Keeper, there are a whole lot of enemies specifically made to keep you up at night

Of this wonderful assortment of limbs and teeth, there is one sure to make you say "what the hell was that" regardless of how much of a hardened horror game veteran you are. This is none other than the monster known as the Obscura, or otherwise "that awful thing with the camera for a head".

If you went into The Evil Within 2 having played the first one, you likely expected it couldn't really throw anything at you that'd surprise you. A scuttling, screaming, completely uncanny shutterbug is definitely something that could surprise you, making it all the worse for those who thought themselves immune to spook.

Even if you never so much as looked at the first, though, you only need to take one look at the amalgamation of nightmare fuel that is the Obscura because animal instinct asks you to go very quickly in the opposite direction.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.