10 Video Game Enemy Designs You Can’t Unsee

7. Immoral Beast - Catherine

The last of us clickers

You only need to take one brief glance at Catherine's "unique" monster, The Immoral Beast, to known that this is one monster that will lurk in your mind for a long time to come.

The boss of Stage 3 comes barging onto the scene in suitably dramatic form, revealing the unfortunate fact that you're going to be running form what appears to be a butt with fangs and large mascara-clad eyes the whole time.

As it steps up towards you, with its backwards-moving and disjointed legs, you also realise a second truth: you're never going to forget this in a million years.

Should you be unfortunate to be attacked by the beast, it becomes clear that it's not just an upside down human with a face where its ass should be, but rather something even weirder. It has another mouth on its back, and at the very bottom of its body there appears to be what look like breasts.

The fact that the Immoral Beast is so confusing means you'll definitely spend time trying to work it all out, leaving you thinking of its strange, hero-hungry body for hours to come.


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