10 Video Game Enemy Designs You Can’t Unsee

3. Goliath Pigs - Bloodborne

The last of us clickers

While the Winter Lanterns are legitimately an almost endless source of horror, there's another enemy that is just a little more... hogwild.

The Goliath Pigs are also found in the Nightmare of Mensis, like the Lanterns, but are also scattered around various other areas just to give you a quick heart attack.

Because you fight very similar creatures earlier in the game, only these boars are regular - if huge - pigs. The Goliath Pigs, on the other hand, come with the disturbing addition of roughly two hundred extra eyes added onto their body.

Since you'll almost always approach one of these bad boars either from behind or in a dark area, you likely won't notice their awful extra trait until it's way too late, and you're hit by its charge attack because you're too busy being filled with a profound and unshakable sense of grief.

Man was not supposed to witness pigs with a hundred eyes, and yet you now can just by total accident - and then realise that you can never, ever unsee what you have just seen.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.