10 Video Game Enemy Designs You Can’t Unsee

4. Lepotica - Resident Evil 6

The last of us clickers

Trypophobia is the word used to describe people who have an innate discomfort or fear around holes - which can vary from feeling weird around strawberries to wanting to scream every time you see one of those awful pictures where someone has edited a human hand to have a series of honeycomb-like holes on them.

It's thought to be had by about sixteen percent of the population, which translates to roughly forty million people in America alone.

What this means is that there are forty million Americans who would have been rendered speechless and horrified by Lepotica, a Resident Evil 6 monster that is possesses of nightmarish openings across all of its skin. These also replace its eyes, so even if you don't have trypophobia, you're still a sure case to be decidedly grossed out by its unsettling appearance.

It also moves far faster than you'd imagine a shambling mass of puss and misery would be capable of, which provides what isn't quite a jump scare, but certainly is an unpleasant time at best.

Amongst an array of uniquely gross baddies, this flesh sack is most likely to stay in your memory - in the darkest, most desperately repressed corners of your memory.


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