10 Video Game Enemy Designs You Can’t Unsee

2. Crest Worms - Fate Stay Night

The last of us clickers

The name Crest Worm is perhaps one of the most misleading imaginable. It sounds almost sweet - like a little snake that possibly has frills on it. But Fate/Stay Night relies on you thinking everything is going to be some sort of cutesy anime adventure, only to pull the rug from under you and reveal untold horrors.

Because in actuality, these things are one of the most disturbing monsters in all of gaming history. They're the magical Familiars of one Zouken Matou, capable of replacing a person's entire body but leaving their consciousness intact - as they did with Zouken himself, in order to prolong his life.

How do they do this? Well, it depends on who you are as to how unfortunate a fate of being found by the Worms is. If you don't have ovaries, congratulations - these suspiciously-shaped snakes will only kill and eat you (although possibly not in that order). If you're unfortunate enough to possess ovaries, though? Well, put bluntly, these critters will do anything to eat them, which involves taking the quickest route to their favourite snack - which is way, way worse than just being killed and eaten normally.

Worse yet, these monsters exist in a goddamn visual novel, so you don't even get the satisfaction of murdering them all in retribution for the untold horror they've caused.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.