10 Video Game Exploits We All Did

5. Rooftop Camping - World Of Warcraft

world of warcraft

Camping in video games may not be something a lot of us are proud of but it is something a lot of us have done. Rooftop camping in particular is, well, to put it lightly, frowned upon. Not that that stopped a lot of us in World of Warcraft. Now, WoW has a tonne of exploits that could have made their way onto this list, almost all of which were quickly hotfixed, but we settled on this one. It may not have exploited the programming of the game but it was mildly tricky to parkour yourself up onto the rooftops of, say, Darkshore, and rain hell down on players who were probably lower level than you and didn’t know how to get on there.

I’m not saying it’s right or fair, I’m just saying it was possible and people definitely did it.

In fact, they did it so much that Blizzard decided those using the exploit would be banned back in 2006. To be fair, there are very clear parallels to the big kids on the playground bullying the smaller ones, or in this case, the high level rangers riddling other players on the ground with arrows so they couldn’t jump up even if they wanted to.

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Halo 3
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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.