10 Video Game Exploits We All Did

3. The Sneezy Reaper - Persona 5

persona 5 reaper

If you’re grinding for levels, achievements, and other goodies in Persona 5, there’s no better place for you than Mementos during flu season.

The Mementos ever deepening dungeons may seem overwhelming but nothing makes them more terrifying than the ultra powerful Reaper who will come for you if you linger too long on any level. His rattling chains are the signal to get the hell out of dodge and not meet almost certain death but if it’s flu season, you may want to hang around. This is because during flu season the usually unstoppable Reaper can be inflicted with the Despair attribute and as a result will not attack you. Eventually it’ll defeat itself and you get all that XP without any of the annoying entire party dying side effects.

The issue with this exploit is that the first flu season isn’t until over halfway through the game, but you can net yourself an incredible amount of experience by taking it out then.

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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.