10 Video Game Fan Theories Better Than The Story We Got

2. James Kills His Wife Over And Over Again In Silent Hill 2

Mary - Silent Hill 2

Silent Hill 2's ambiguous and metaphorical plot has resulted in plenty of deliciously dark fan theories over the years (did you hear the one about James having his dead wife's body in the trunk of his car the whole time?), but none have been quite as convincing as the theory that the game's monsters are all just manifestations of James' guilt over euthanizing his dying wife, Mary.

A lot of the enemies in the game are said to play on James' guilt over his suppressed desire to be with a healthy, attractive woman rather than his decrepit wife while she was still alive. It's why the demonic nurses in particular were weirdly sexualised, as they reflect the warped way James saw his attraction to the people who treated his wife, and his desire to be with them sexually, as an abomination and immoral.

Likewise, the way these monsters take on feminine features makes each combat encounter a way for James to torture himself by having to relive the moment he murdered his wife, as he's forced to kill these creatures that are connected to the memory of Mary over and over again.

Silent Hill 2 is full of creepy enemies and locations, and they're all down to the protagonist's tragic sexual hang-ups.

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