10 Video Game Final Bosses You Can Defeat In The Opening Act

9. Bhunivelze (Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13)

legend of zelda breath of the wild calamity ganon

You know what's fun? The Final Fantasy XIII games! You know what's also fun? Time limits! You know what's also also fun? A time limit in a Final Fantasy XIII game!

What's that? None of those sound fun at all? All three of those sound kinda freakin' rubbish? Well that can't be true, otherwise why would Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII choose to center the finale of its game around a 13 real-life hour time limit?

Yeah, as you can imagine, when the inconceivably named villain of this train wreck, Bhunivelze, begins a 13 in-universe day countdown to the destruction of the world. You're probably thinking that this breaks our rule, but you're forgetting that the game then gives you an out.

In a shockingly clever (for this sub-series) twist on the concept, New Game+ is there to basically give you more of a fighting chance. Bhunivelze is a tough ass boss fight, and chances are you won't be ready the first time. So restarting the whole game from the beginning, carrying over all of your stats, equipment and so forth, and then immediately tracking him down and defeating him, you'll be better prepared.

Or, you could use your lack of a time limit to better level yourself up and get better equipment, but if you've gotten to this point, you're probably just raring to get this damn game over with.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?