10 Video Game Finales That Totally Ruined Their Trilogies

9. Assassin's Creed III

No, not Brotherhood - let's take the Ezio trilogy as all being part of the second game, as it's through numbered sequels that really differentiate and categorise trilogies in the long run.

For any who played it, Assassin's Creed III started out in the most peculiar way - neglecting to put you in the shoes of Connor who we'd seen in the various trailers, but instead Haytham Kenway, an Englishman who ended up being revealed as a Templar in one of the best plot twists in gaming history.

From there on out though, it was a weird transition that snowballed into a total lack of direction for the game overall. Resource management factored into reviving a dilapidated homestead for no reason, graphics and glitches abounded as it was clear the game had been rushed out to meet an annual release, and Desmond's modern day story took a one-way trip to cuckoo land as Des sacrificed himself to save the world. Yup, that happened...

Gameplay had lost its stealthy edge as Connor was a one-man slaughterhouse, and when the narrative pull wasn't even remotely there, the downfall of Assassin's Creed can be traced back to this game.

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