10 Video Game Franchises On PS Now To Keep You Busy During Lockdown

2. Batman Arkham

God Of War Ps4
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

The Batman games from 2009-2015 were undoubatedly ground breaking for superhero titles, and PS Now gives you the chance to play through them all.

Superhero titles have always been hugely popular in gaming, but this series took the quality to a level not seen before. In the main series there are four games, Arkham Asylum, Arkham City, Arkham Origins and Arkham Knight.

Of the four, the first two are the most critically acclaimed with City seen by many as the peak of the series. That being said, the last title in the series, Arkham Knight, is the biggest overall.

If you have already played Spiderman, but are looking for more superhero action the Batman Arkham series is the place to go. The web slinger has taken a lot of the combat mechanics from this series and pushed them further, but Batman has its own unique set of gadgets for fans to get used to.

Across the series you encounter a host of Batman's enemies that you face in boss fights with the Joker as expected heavily featured. The voice acting throughout the series is brilliant, but it is Mark Hamill who voices the Joker for three of the games that steals the show.

If you are a fan of a genre this series alone will take you months to get through.

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God of War
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Gaming and sports writer from the North East of the UK