10 Video Game Franchises That Have Lost Their Way

5. Final Fantasy

Hear us out before you start getting antsy. The Final Fantasy series has been going strong for so long, that one can't be too surprised that it has eventually started to falter. Final Fantasy VII is frequently cited as one of the greatest games ever made, and so it's none-too-surprising that subsequent games have failed to live up to that legacy, specifically those from the PS2 era and beyond. Perhaps the most egregious addition is the horrible inclusion of soppy, maudlin storylines that feel derived from particularly sentimental anime, and while the series may have been guilty of this prior to FFX, the use of whiny voice acting rather than a text scrawl makes it a whole lot more apparent. The problem is that, at this point, the series is just coasting on its former glory; the storylines are unimaginative, repetitive and dull, which is a particular shame because the newest games look so visually stunning. Though the gameplay has been streamlined extremely well, it's the thin story that really underwhelms, yet the series continues to bring in fantastic returns because it's fortunate enough to be blessed with a strong fanboy contingent. While one doesn't want the series to go away, I just want Square Enix to put some thought into telling an original story.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.