10 Video Game Franchises That Just Sat Out An ENTIRE Generation

3. Star Fox

Splinter Cell

One of the more underrated IPs under Nintendo, Star Fox achieved the peak of its prominence back on the Nintendo 64 and reached equally high popularity in Super Smash Bros. Fox typically ranks at the top of competitive tier lists in the 2D fighter, but when it comes to the series itself, things are far more unpredictable.

Star Fox has maintained a cult following, but it has joined the likes of F-Zero under franchises Nintendo doesn't know what to do. Through the early 2000s, Fox was brought out of his Arwing to partake in the adventure and shooter genres, which didn't fit well with the franchise's roots.

Star Fox Command for the DS was the last major release for a while, as the franchise would completely bypass the Nintendo Wii. Instead it would arrive on the Wii U with Star Fox Zero in 2016. As a remake of sorts, there was some initial excitement.

The franchise slipped back underground yet again after Zero was met with a mixed response. Will Fox McCloud and his crew make a return on the Nintendo Switch? While the Japanese company did put out the obscure Star Fox 2 on its eshop, we've yet to see any major announcements.


A tough but fair writer and critic broadly covering games, movies and just about every type of entertainment media. Spent a good part of the last seven years blogging and more recently, making amateur videos under "The Cainage Critique". You can follow my work on my website https://robc25.wixsite.com/thecainagecritique and my YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCftJ6WcozDaECFfjvORDk3w