10 Video Game Hero Transformations You Didn't See Coming

1. Oersted - Live A Live

Metal Gear Solid Raiden
Square Enix

Live a Live touts a rare case of a playable hero who isn't transformed into a more kick-ass version of themselves but actually a villain - the villain, in fact.

Through the game's nine chapters, players will take control of eight different heroes, and in the climactic Middle Ages chapter, you'll play as the knight Oersted.

Though Oersted starts out as a pretty standard RPG protagonist, by the end of this chapter he's tricked into killing his kingdom's king and rendered a pariah by its people.

Overcome with despair, Oersted then transforms into the new Lord of Dark, Odio - a shadowy entity who couldn't look much less like Oersted's original appearance.

In the final chapter, if players choose to play any character other than Oersted, they'll engage him in a boss battle, where Odio will reveal several grotesque forms, all an unimaginable leap from Oersted's initial design.

In the game's best ending he'll at least turn back into Oersted after being defeated and before dying, so that's something.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.