10 Video Game Heroes That Got Everyone Killed

7. Alex Mercer - Prototype

God of War 3

Prototype pits the player as Alex Mercer, an amnesiac who wakes up in a lab and soon discovers that he has an array of awesome mutant powers, such as super-strength, super-speed, and the ability to consume anyone to obtain their memories and appearance. Neato.

The game primarily revolves around Alex's quest to figure out his past and stop an outbreak of the Blacklight virus, which transforms the infected into grotesque monsters.

We eventually learn that the outbreak was actually caused by Alex himself, who due to his research getting shuttered and a hit being ordered on his life, smashed a vial of Blacklight at Penn Station, spreading it throughout the borough and infecting himself with it also, causing his "superhero" transformation.

The huge loss of life that Alex's act causes speaks for itself, transforming a massive number of Manhattan's 1.5 million residents into hideous creatures.

Intriguingly, Prototype 2 actually leans fully into the impact of Alex's actions, recasting him as the villain pursued by a new hero, James Heller, whose family was killed by the Blacklight outbreak.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.