10 Video Game Heroes Who Accidentally Made Their Own Villains

1. Travis Touchdown - No More Heroes

No More Heroes
Rising Star Games

Travis Touchdown is the easygoing but crude protagonist of No More Heroes. His goal is to kill his way into becoming the world's top-ranking assassin, which naturally is bound to make Travis a lot of enemies.

However, as if aspiration of mass assassinations weren't bad enough, Travis also leaves a pretty terrible impression on strangers due to his airheaded and dismissive attitude towards the death he causes. In fact, this lack of care is how Travis has created not one but two major villains for himself.

In the first game, the final opponent Travis faces is his half-sister Jeane, who wants to watch her brother suffer after Travis spent his whole life absent-mindedly admiring his father, who secretly abused Jeane behind his son's back.

In the second game, the final boss, Jasper Batt Jr., seeks revenge on the assassin because he killed his father and two brothers in cold blood when Batt was just a child.

When you think about it, Travis really has it coming for him, but then again, you probably don't care, so long as he's still the funny goof of a protagonist everyone knows and loves.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.