10 Video Game Heroes Who Accidentally Made Their Own Villains

8. Jimmy Hopkins - Bully

No More Heroes
Rockstar Games

The plot of Bully is a surprisingly subversive experience, considering it's all taking place in a relatively predictable setting of a high school. Jimmy's experience in Bullworth is filled with backstabbings, plot twists, and constant changes of allegiances, but the funny thing is none of this would've happened if it wasn't for Jimmy himself.

Gary, the supporting character turned main villain, owes his entire rise to power to Jimmy and his utter lack of care for the trouble he's causing for a little extra cash.

Although in the first act of the game Jimmy acts angry and fed up with Gary's plans, he does follow each and every one to a tee, secretly helping his two-faced friends gain power over the school's cliques and become the villain who ultimately betrays him and then starts a huge riot in the game's finale.

If Jimmy had a little more foresight, or just been better at saying no, Gary would remain a forever outcast with no means of pitting the cliques against each other.

Well, maybe instead of teaching kids how to dissect frogs, Bullworth should be giving courses in assertiveness?

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.