10 Video Game Heroes Who Accidentally Made Their Own Villains

3. The Survivors - Until Dawn

No More Heroes

The cast of Until Dawn is based off the classic horror tropes, and this means they share a lot of their more annoying quirks.

On top of their constant need to prank each other or getting it on in the most murder-prone locations ever, there is also the utter lack of care for basic safety that inadvertently leads to the creation of the very monsters that hunt them throughout the game.

The Wendingos that chase the survivors in Blackwood are Hannah and Beth, the two sisters who die in the intro of the game after the gang pulls a mean prank on one of them and causes her to run off into the night, followed by her concerned twin.

The two sisters fall off a cliff, but one of them lives and ends up eating her sibling's flesh to survive starvation, turning into a Wendigo. This means that if the main cast just stayed put and didn't try to do cheap jump-scare pranks all the time, they wouldn't have had to deal with any monsters whatsoever.

You know what? Deserved.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.