10 Video Game Heroes Who Accidentally Made Their Own Villains

They only have themselves to blame!

No More Heroes
Grasshopper Manufacture

Let's be real. Just because your video game character is the hero, it doesn't mean they're perfect. Like regular human beings, they're prone to making mistakes or letting loose, even when you don't quick save to kill annoying NPCs and cause general mayhem with zero repercussions.

However, sometimes these small mishaps can lead to something far worse, a lasting negative outcome that not only haunts them but also those around them.

And this is how villains are made!

That's right! In a twist straight out of the Incredibles, in some video games the only person your character has to blame for the rise of their nemesis is none other than themselves.

Due to their own ignorance, negligence, or lack of foresight, the hero of the story creates their very own villain out of their betrayed allies, unleashed evils, and dumb experiments gone wrong that will haunt them for the rest of their lives.

The plot of the following games would've never happened if their heroes had taken the time to consider their actions. They created their own mess, and you had to clean it up for them.

10. Nick Ramos - Dead Rising 3

No More Heroes

It seems like most of the boss fights in the Dead Rising series happen because the main characters act too nonchalant around disturbed killers and would rather wait around and aggravate them instead of taking them out while they're distracted, or, you know, just walking away.

However, there is only one Dead Rising protagonist that is directly responsible for turning one of their own friends into a crazed maniac, and that person is Nick Ramos from Dead Rising 3.

You see, the psychopaths in Dead Rising 3 are based off the seven deadly sins, and envy is personified by Nick's number one fan, Kenny, who idolizes him so much that he decides to replicate what Nick does by dressing up as him and then kidnapping a woman to stage a "rescue."

When Nick comes to intervene, Kenny lashes out at him, believing that Nick considers himself to be better than him, and then you have to defeat the obsessed fan to make him come back to his senses.

The fight and the preceding cutscene are a fun subversion of expectations, but you have to admit, Nick kind of had it coming, seeing how dismissive and somewhat patronizing he acted towards his friend.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.