10 Video Game Heroes Who Made Everything Worse

4. Daniil Dankovsky - Pathologic

Resident Evil village chris redfield
Gambitious Digital Entertainment

Pathologic has multiple characters to play through in order to get the best ending possible. Naturally, for a game this unendingly bleak, they start you off on the worst of the three. And mind you, one of the other guys is a serial killer.

Daniil Dankovsky or The Bachelor as the game titles him, is described in the game as, quote, "a prickly prick that will bury us all." And boy howdy is his storyline dedicated to proving that sentiment correct.

Dankovsky doesn't think very highly of the plague-stricken Russian Steppe village the game takes place in. Being a city boy with a bachelor's in medicine, naturally, he sees himself as god's gift to man, all the way down to his goal in the game being to "overcome death itself" like some kind of pulp mad scientist.

Going throughout Daniil's story will see you rubbing elbows with the elite of the city, who want to weather the inevitable shelling of the city by the Russian military in a giant architecturally disobedient structure on the edge of town, leaving the rest of the village to die. And even before this, Daniil's actions cause the burning of a strange giant cow that, in the Haruspex's storyline, you learn can actually help cure the plague.

The summation of this idiot at the beginning of this entry is definitely accurate. If the Bachelor has his way at the end of Pathologic, that prickly prick really does bury them all.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?