10 Video Game Heroes Who Made Everything Worse

2. Anders - Dragon Age 2

Resident Evil village chris redfield

When we met Anders in Dragon Age Awakening, we're left with little reason to believe he had any profound thoughts on the plight of the mages one way or another. The flippant, snarky young man was mostly following The Warden around for a laugh, only really growing close with Justice, the noble spirit The Warden picks up along the way.

When Hawke meets Anders in Dragon Age 2, however, things are...different. The body Justice was using in Awakening had long since broken down, causing Anders to offer his own. However, when Justice possessed Anders, it opened up every trauma inflicted on Anders throughout his life by the Templars. This not only awakened Anders' revolutionary spirit, but tragically mutated the noble spirit of Justice into a violent demon of Vengeance, prone to taking over Anders and going on a rampage.

What was intended as a symbiotic relationship turns, over the course of DA 2, into a case of mutually assured destruction, with Anders and Vengeance's worst natures tearing them both apart, to the point where, in Act 3, it's constantly up in the air which one is talking at any given time.

This, of course, culminated in the tragic ending of Dragon Age 2 where Anders triggers the Mage/Templar war by blowing up the largest Chantry in Kirkwall. Hawke has to leave the life they fought so hard for, the entire world is thrown into a violent war, and it's all Anders' fault.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?