10 Video Game Heroes With Surprisingly High Bodycounts

6. Wei Shen - Sleeping Dogs

Tomb raider lara croft
Square Enix

It must be hard, being an undercover cop. Having to give up the life you knew to infiltrate a criminal organisation, walking that fine line between doing the right thing and upholding the law, or throwing that to one side to get the job done.

That's the dilemma that our hero cop, Wei Shen, has to face when he infiltrates the Triads in 2012's surprise hit, Sleeping Dogs. Sure, as part of police training he would have to entertain the notion of defending himself and taking someone down if necessary, but it wouldn't be expected all the time.

Yet Square Enix weren't following the strictest ruleset when it came to how Wei could be played, meaning the player was able to take out their creativity on the unsuspecting public. Unlike the Assassins Creed series, where killing innocents would be punished, Sleeping Dogs following the Grand Theft Auto model of sending police at you, whom could also be killed.

It gave Wei almost no moral boundary, that goes against his very purpose of upholding the law in the first place.

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Tomb Raider
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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.