10 Video Game Items That Are Completely Useless (On Purpose!)
5. Garbage - L.A Noire
While this is a more obvious one than many of the collectibles or pieces of useless equipment you pick up on your journeys through other games, the amount of detritus you have to wade through to find clues for you cases in L.A Noire is both astounding and infuriating.
At the start of discovering clues, having useless trash around that you can pick up and inspect makes perfect sense. You don't want every item to be a clue, or you risk making finding these items far less interesting.
However, even when you walk past a useless item for the tenth time, it still triggers the same reaction in the game as a real clue might - leading you to pick it up again, hear Cole say the item is useless, and throw it to the floor filled with rage.
Repeat this enough times, and every balled up piece of paper has an eight percent change of giving you a stress-induced hernia whenever you pick it up. Thus is the risk you take becoming a detective, I suppose.