10 Video Game Joke Characters That Are Secretly Deadly
2. Cronos - Bloody Roar: Extreme

Bloody Roar is a series of fighting games about warriors who can turn into animals. The premise sounds really cool when you think about characters who can turn into tigers, lions, wolves, and other ferocious critters.
However, then there’s Cronos, aka the penguin man.
In a universe of mighty fighters who transform into even mightier creatures, being stuck with an alternate form of a tiny penguin is like getting the ultimate short end of the stick.
And yet, this goofy, puny form is secretly the reason why Cronos is the deadliest fighter that is hated and feared by everyone who has ever had to go up against him. Although his main form doesn’t come with any unique and powerful attacks, Cronos has the ultimate advantage in that he is the smallest character in the game.
His tiny hitbox makes it really difficult to reach him with most regular attacks, especially if you play as a much larger character. Meanwhile, Cronos will always have an easy time hitting you, since every single opponent covers a huge area for him.
You might be laughing at Cronos when he beckons you with his flippers, but you won’t be laughing when he uses them to wipe the floor with you.