10 Video Game Levels That Confused Everyone As Kids

9. Hakuna Matata - The Lion King

The Lion King
Westwood Studios

1994's The Lion King is an infamously difficult platformer based on the hit movie, and the game's ludicrously unfair level of challenge was a result of Disney insisting that developer Westwood Studio make it difficult enough so kids couldn't complete it during Blockbuster’s three-day rental period.

Hell, in a recent interview, Westwood's co-founder even apologised to players for it.

You can pick pretty much any of the game's levels and point out how infuriating they were for kids to play, though there's one segment of one level in particular that really sticks in the craw, even over 25 years later.

The sixth level, "Hakuna Matata," features an absurdly lengthy platforming sequence where the player has to jump up a waterfall, using a series of logs which are falling down the waterfall.

It sounds easy enough, except the spawn pattern of the logs is laughably unforgiving, and the sequence requires players to execute well-timed leaps for a solid 90 seconds in order to make it to the end.

For many kids, the challenge was simply too much, and that was as far as they ever got.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.