10 Video Game Levels That Gave You Anxiety

4. Metroid Dread - The E.M.M.I Areas

The Quarry

In the beginning, Metroid games weren't known for being scary. There are tense platforming sections, granted, but it was only around the time of Fusion that players were treated to "Oh s**t, runaway!" moments from the X to ramp up the anxiety.

Fitting then that Metroid Dread, a sequel to Fusion, carries that over with the E.M.M.I robots. Seemingly unstoppable (bar contextual moments), these hunter-killer wardens can and will chase Samus.

What makes it worse is that an E.M.M.I zone can have several screen traversals, creating a false sense of respite before it catches up to the bounty hunter. When it does, there's a small chance of avoiding instant death, but it's hard to concentrate when you're breathing hard from the chase.

The game does a very good job of forcing these sections upon players, literally halting progression unless a zone is traversed. There's no getting around it, these things are an integral, terrifying part of the game.

Even later, as Samus' powers build, doesn't make these sections easier. If anything, they're harder because Samus has to utilise more traversal skills.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.