10 Video Game Levels That Gave You Anxiety

2. The Quarry - Nick And Abi

The Quarry
2K Games

*Beware spoilers for The Quarry. Obviously*

The Quarry, Supermassive's latest interactive video game, is very aware of the scenery it is chewing. Like a slasher movie that it's parodying, it offers a slow boil with some very annoying teens early on.

Even the QTE's prior are pretty rote: dodge some nasties, mind a tree branch, you know the deal. Yet it does offer a moment not to shoot someone that subverts the mood a bit. But when that choice comes round a second time, the stakes are definitively raised.

Nick, having been munched on by one of the beasts, is slowly becoming a bit... feral. Without spoiling, it culminates in some unexpected aggression towards the mild-mannered Abi.

After being launched across the room, Abi holds Nick at gunpoint. Now, some players might have held off shooting a character earlier, and think this may yield another positive result.

But will it...?

And that timer's counting down a lot faster than normal, we swear.

And will it result in Abi getting killed? Will it kill Nick if you do shoot?

It's such a switch in tone, with messy consequences either way, that will have players unexpectedly panicking from hereon out.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.