10 Video Game Mechanics EVERYONE Should Copy

7. Physics Puzzles - Portal 2

Max Payne 3

Gaming puzzles will, more often than not, be handled either simply, terribly, or both. It may just be a simple multiple-choice answer or even an overused "place this block on the switch to open the door." Now, what about games that have their whole playtime focused around puzzle-solving?

Portal 2 is such a game with a basic concept: It's a puzzle game in which the player is given a machine to build linked portals, and use them to traverse zones, which would otherwise not be possible.

The physics-based nature of puzzle resolution stands out, portals aside, and very few games really have adapted this special and superior way of solving environment-related puzzles.

Players want to be immersed in their gaming experiences, so being able to communicate with all facets of the world and experiment within the boundaries of the game allows the brain to work at peak output.

Think of Breath of the Wild - this game gives you the tools you need to experiment within the environment. Instead of fighting some enemies, you could force a boulder down on them, start a fire to confuse them, or even freeze them in place.

Physics-based puzzles aren't just fun, they're incredibly rewarding and engaging.

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Gamer. Flim Nut. Aspiring screenwriter. Just a humble Canadian talking about the things he loves.