10 Video Game Mentors Who Were Actually Complete Morons

4. Athena - God Of War II

For the Greek Goddess of Reason and rationale, Athena acts as one of the only members of Mount Olympus' inner circle to see protagonist Kratos' plight. She feels for him, offers to juice him up with fancy messiah-slaying powers, and all-round is the only one who actually cares that he's... well, accidentally murdered his entire family.Hang on a minute though... The GoW series got more and more ridiculous with the whole "Angry man kills everything" shtick, but to be honest right at the beginning you just went with it. The first game ended with Kratos trying to kill himself just to be done with the horrifying realisation that he butchered his wife and children - the memories of which he asks Athena to rid him of. However, first she declines, mentioning such a thing is what any man must live with, only to then resurrect Kratos after he flings himself into the sea, the rationale being that Ares' throne needs filling. Kratos obliges, essentially out of giving himself a reason to do something other than face-plant a rock face again, only for his dark side to take over and Athena do the whole "I've created a monster!?" routine. His powers are thusly stripped away, kickstarting the second game's revenge arc all over again. How about just letting the guy die? Hmm? For someone who's supposed to represent the pinnacle of reason and the master of forethought, Athena displays a total lack of it in resurrecting a suicidally depressed killer, only to then reduce him to human form when he inevitably gets out of control again.
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